Vitamin D levels linked to longevity and reduced mortality

April 5, 2024

These BAD-MOUTHED foods may hold the key to a LONGER life

Olivia de Havilland from Gone with the Wind. Famed TV producer Norman Lear.

“Golden Age” actor Kirk Douglas, a.k.a. Spartacus himself.

These classic Hollywood stars… who we all lost recently… have something in common.

Each and every one of them lived to be over 100 years old!

Now, considering the fact that the average lifespan among Americans has DROPPED to just 76 years old… that’s a pretty IMPRESSIVE feat. 

And they’re not the ONLY ones with that kind of longevity.

Dick Van Dyke is still kicking up his heels at 98 years old. Mel Brooks can still tell a joke with the BEST of them at age 97. And Dr. Ruth is still doling out love advice and spicy sex secrets with 95 years under her belt. 

Makes you wonder what SOME folks are doing RIGHT… and OTHERS are doing WRONG.

Now, I don’t have access to the medical records for these folks… so I don’t know EXACTLY what helped add so many EXTRA candles to their birthday cakes. 

But it’s clear that there’s NO reason why more of us can’t be following in the same path… and become THRIVING centenarians. 

Now, you already know that to live a longer life, don’t smoke… don’t drink to excess… and don’t be a couch potato. 

But there’s MORE to this equation…

And as it turns out, there’s one humble nutrient that could help you EXTEND your life… and SURPASS all expectations…

For just pennies a day. 

I’m talking about vitamin D.

Animal research shows that it helps ACTIVATE certain “longevity genes”… working directly on DNA to prolong life!

Vitamin D works in humans, too.

In a 2022 study out of China, very old folks who maintained healthy D levels lived longer than those the same age who were deficient in the vitamin.

That’s not all…

Because BOOSTING the supply of vitamin D in very old folks in the study… that is, going from deficient to not-deficient… was DIRECTLY linked to a significant reduction in all-cause mortality over the course of six years. 

Now, I’ve been EXTOLLING the virtues of D for both obvious reasons… like how it STRENGTHENS bone health… 

And not-so-obvious ones… like BOOSTING mood… and SUPPORTING immunity. 

But did you know that vitamin D is also a HERO when it comes to BANISHING inflammation? 

That’s important, since excess inflammation is a HIDDEN culprit behind so many DEADLY conditions… like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and more. 

Fortunately, getting a daily dose of vitamin D isn’t hard. 

All you’ve got to do is step outside – and your body will start making its own supply when exposed to the sun’s rays! (Hence its nickname, “the sunshine vitamin.”)

Plenty of foods also contain D… but MANY of them have been SLANDERED by the mainstream…

Like egg yolks… red meat… and dairy!

It’s no wonder too many of us are WOEFULLY deficient in this life-extending vitamin. 

Even folks who supplement with vitamin D might not be getting enough… since mainstream recommendations are generally WAY TOO LOW. 

I’ve seen experts suggest taking 800 IU… and warning against taking more than 4,000 IU…

When the truth is, you could ACTUALLY need something more like 10,000 IU a day!

ESPECIALLY if you’re a little on the older side… when our bodies have a harder time absorbing the vitamin efficiently. 

Now, the key is to COMBINE your vitamin D3 supplements with yet ANOTHER vitamin – one that will help make sure your body doesn’t accumulate dangerous levels of calcium (which is usually why recommended dosages of D are lower). 

And that’s vitamin K2. 

K helps SWEEP excess calcium away from areas of the body where you DON’T want it…

And helps DELIVER calcium to where you DO want it. 

Now, vitamin K is sometimes known as the “clotting vitamin”… which means it’s not safe for everybody to take. 

As always, check with your doc about your own unique situation. 

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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