New study finds BMI, not red meat, contributes to excess inflammation

February 7, 2024

SLANDERED red meat finally gets CLEARED by new study

Your mouth is all watered up for a nice, juicy steak…

But in this day and age, it’s gotten tough to SATISFY your cravings for red meat…

When it’s been SLANDERED for so many years!

The mainstream has been trying to CONVINCE you that beef will put your heart health in the crosshairs…

Mess with your blood sugar control…

Give you cancer…

And even put you in an EARLY GRAVE!

They’ve been HAVING A COW over how “bad” red meat is for you…

But according to the latest research, they may have been getting all WORKED UP over nothing. 

The theory was that enjoying a nice filet or ribeye could cause your inflammation levels to SOAR…

And, as we know, excess inflammation is a culprit behind MANY of our MOST CONCERNING health issues. 

But in a recent study, inflammation levels DIDN’T spike after red meat consumption. 

At least, not after the researchers adjusted for one key factor: body mass index (BMI). 

Turns out, BMI is a MAJOR contributing factor to inflammation levels that go through the roof. 

Now, this comes as NO surprise… considering how much we already know about the link between obesity and inflammation…

And, therefore, obesity and some of those other conditions I just mentioned…

Including heart issues… blood sugar woes… and yes, even cancer. 

Friend, it’s important to note that the link this study found wasn’t between inflammation and WEIGHT. 

Because we’re talking about BMI, it’s more about the ratio between the amount of fat you’re carrying around versus the amount of non-fat tissue (like muscles and bone). 

Specifically, we’re talking about white adipose tissue… or “white fat”… which accumulates often as a result of inactivity…

And HIJACKS your metabolic health. 

There is, however, a type of fat that actually helps KICK your metabolism up a notch…

And that’s called “brown fat.”

Fortunately, you can ACTIVATE your brown fat… BUILD more of it… and even SHRINK your white fat. 

One of the ways of doing that is by increasing your supply of an amino acid called L-arginine. 

Guess what’s a particularly ABUNDANT source of L-arginine. 


Friend, they had it ALL WRONG…


And yet you probably haven’t even heard a WHISPER of the news. 

No mea culpa


Now, this doesn’t mean you should go run out and BINGE on Big Macs. 

As always, processed red meat is BAD NEWS… just like any other ultra-processed foods. 

But this latest science may be just the thing to get you feeling a little better about sharpening your steak knife set…

And grilling up a nice T-bone dinner. 

Just make sure the beef comes from grass-fed, organically-raised cows. 

To keep your BMI in check, skip the mashed and scalloped potatoes… and try to throw some nice sauteed vegetables drizzled with olive oil on the side. 

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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