Cancer risk lowered with increased physical fitness

March 25, 2024

Stay FIT… to FIGHT cancer?

Friend, I know you’re FED UP with experts telling you to STARVE yourself on a diet…

And SWEAT BUCKETS at the gym…

I know any advice regarding “fitness” is probably the LAST you want to hear. 

After all, most restrictive diets are IMPOSSIBLE to stick with… 

And those STRENUOUS workouts too often lead to burnout… injury… disability… or WORSE.

But that doesn’t mean you should become a COUCH POTATO. 

Fortunately, this is not an all-or-nothing scenario. 

And there are some BIG benefits to some very MODERATE levels of fitness…

Which you can achieve by making just a MODEST effort.

And according to the latest research, staying fit may just be a KEY way to CONQUER cancer. 

Hear me out. 

A study out of Sweden published just last year showed how you could beat back SEVERAL different types of cancer by maintaining a certain level of cardiorespiratory fitness – or how well your circulatory and respiratory systems deliver oxygen throughout your body. 

In total, the study showed a significantly lowered risk of NINE cancers:

  1. head and neck
  2. esophageal
  3. stomach
  4. pancreatic
  5. liver
  6. colon
  7. rectal
  8. kidney
  9. lung.

Now, we know that aerobic exercise in general is associated with lower cancer diagnoses across the board…

And could even help cancer from becoming a KILLER. 

We also know that obesity is linked to cancer overall… as well as some specific cancers…

And that carrying around all that extra weight could put you in an early grave if you’ve got cancer. 

But this isn’t as simple as staying thin to keep the cancer away. 

Because weighing less does not necessarily equate having BETTER cardiorespiratory fitness. And being obese does not necessarily mean LOW cardiorespiratory fitness. 

In fact, in this latest study, the lower risk of MOST types of cancer had NOTHING to do with the participants’ BMI. 

Now, how do you achieve this type of cancer-fighting fitness level? 

It may not be as hard as you think. 

In the study I just mentioned, aerobic exercise of moderate intensity was enough to move the needle. 

For you, that could mean going for a BRISK walk…

Taking a water aerobics class…

Hopping on the bicycle for a nice leisurely ride…

Or even just MOWING the lawn or working in the garden!

In fact, you’ve got PLENTY of options… including some that may not even SEEM like exercise at all…

Like taking your spouse for a spin on the dancefloor. 

NONE of those require a pricey gym membership… bulky equipment… or a fad diet. 

Now, I should point out that this study looked at YOUNG men in their 30s. The MORE fit they were… the LESS their cancer risk was.

But it’s not too late for you. 

As the study’s author noted, ANY increase in physical fitness is associated with a DECREASE in cancer risk. 

And according to another study, published in 2023, all it could take is just 11 minutes of moderate activity in order to keep cancer at bay…

And to keep the Grim Reaper from knocking on your door too soon.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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