High-potency statin drugs to lower cholesterol linked to new-onset diabetes and cataracts

February 26, 2024

Artificially LOWERING cholesterol with drugs? You could get MORE than you bargained for

Every time you see the doc, he’s likely to HARASS you about one of the following:

  1. your weight 
  2. your blood pressure
  3. your cholesterol numbers.

When it comes to any ONE of them, he’ll tell you that the LOWER you go… the BETTER. 

But mainstream recommendations have become so IMPOSSIBLY low… the ONLY way to hit those numbers is by taking a drug!

And that’s how Big Pharma has been cashing in on weight-loss drugs… BP meds… and cholesterol-lowering statins. 

It’s that last one I want to dig into today…

Because the dangers of statin drugs go FAR beyond the “usual” side effects you’ve heard about… like muscle pain and weakness.

In fact, according to the latest research, some of the SCARY risks we’ve heard about so far… like dementia risk… could be just the TIP of the iceberg. 

And if you’re doc is RAMPING UP your statin treatment… to more AGGRESSIVELY bring those numbers down… 

Here’s the risk you need to know about. 

See, if your cholesterol is deemed “high” (which, by the way, doesn’t mean it’s TRULY high)… your doc start you out on a garden-variety statin. 

But if your numbers don’t come down as QUICKLY as he’d like them to… he could try putting you on even STRONGER meds. 

And that’s when you could REALLY find yourself in the crosshairs. 

Because in a recent clinical trial, patients on the strongest statin out there… a.k.a. rosuvastatin… were much more likely to develop NEW diseases!

Namely, we’re talking about diabetes and cataracts.

Now, these weren’t MINOR cases of these two conditions. 

In study participants who got saddled with new-onset diabetes over the course of the three-year study… the cases were SERIOUS enough to require blood sugar-lowering meds to control. 

And the cataracts were SO SEVERE… they required SURGERY. 


Now, in the study, the drugs did in fact lower LDL, or “bad” cholesterol. In fact, the study’s authors suggest that might be the culprit behind the cataracts. 

The diabetes, however, was a head-scratcher to them… although similar findings came out from a trial back in 2009.

Here’s the kicker…


That POWERFUL statin drug did ZILCH when it came to the whole reason why the subjects were taking them in the FIRST place!

See, these were patients with EXISTING diagnoses of coronary artery disease…

But taking statins DID NOT reduce their risk of death from all causes… heart attack… stroke… and more.

And in the end, they got WAY more than they bargained for. 

Friend, let me BUST the myth that LDL is a “bad” form of cholesterol. Truth is, you need BOTH forms of cholesterol – both LDL and HDL (a.k.a. the “good” kind).

The REAL culprit you need to worry about when it comes to heart disease is inflammation. 

Keep your high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) levels in check… and, according to a meta-analysis of trials published last year, that’ll do A LOT more for your heart risk than targeting LDL alone.

Fortunately, you can keep a healthy cholesterol balance by following the best anti-inflammatory style of eating out there, the Mediterranean diet.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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