Walking for health doesn’t require a minimum of 10,000 steps

March 18, 2024

You could see BIG benefits… from even just a LITTLE extra activity!

Friend, if you’re a little on the older side…

You might find it a STRUGGLE to get up and out of bed in the morning…

Not to mention to actually LEAVE the house… and get some EXERCISE!

It can feel DAUNTING to even just take a walk – especially because of all of these “step goals” we’ve been hearing about over the last few years. 

When your joints are STIFF… muscles are SORE… and low back is ACHING…

It can be hard to imagine just putting one foot in front of the other… 

Not to mention taking those 10,000 or 12,000 steps a day we’re SUPPOSED to be getting!

Well, I have good news for you today, my friend. 

Because you can just FORGET those numbers… and STILL make a difference in your overall health. 

According to the latest review of studies, it doesn’t take A LOT of activity to see BIG benefits. 

In fact, taking as few as 2,500 steps a day reduced the risk of all-cause death by 8%.

For the average person, that’s just about a mile – or a 20- to 30-minute walk, depending on how fast you go.

Think you can do a little more?

Getting 2,700 steps in a day reduced cardiovascular events by 11%.

Of course, the benefits continue to PILE UP, the more steps you can get in…

But here’s the most CRUCIAL takeaway.

This DEBUNKS the idea that getting any less than 10,000 steps a day is WORTHLESS!

In fact, that whole “magic number” NEVER came from real science. 

A Japanese company MADE IT UP in the 1960s… in order to sell pedometers!

And yet this MYTH has persisted over 60 years… becoming the “gold standard” in the age of fitness trackers and step counter smartphone apps.

Don’t let this FAKE health standard DETER you from getting up and moving around however you can.

It’s not an “all or nothing” proposition. 

I say, WHATEVER you can do to get activity is better than ZERO activity. If you can’t walk a mile… how about around the block?

What about out your front door and across the street and back?

EVERY step counts. 

As a reminder, a sedentary lifestyle puts you in the crosshairs for heart disease… 

Blood sugar woes…

Memory loss…

Immune dysfunction…

And all-cause death. 

In fact, a STAGGERING report published earlier this year found that folks who sat around all day  were 16% more likely to land in an early grave!

Now, don’t feel like you need to “get all your steps in” all at once. For some folks, walking even a mile can seem like a MAJOR challenge. 

But if you take a few steps at a time throughout the day… breaking up your sitting sessions with a short little stroll…

You may be SURPRISED at how it can all add up. 

You may also find yourself SLEEPING better… making more “regular” trips to the toilet…

And even feeling more UPLIFTED and MOTIVATED!

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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