Ketamine for depression could spell DISASTER for addicts and heart patients like Matthew Perry

March 14, 2024

Could this ‘miracle cure’ for hard-to-treat depression be a KILLER?

You may have heard of ketamine as the “miracle drug” that could help treat major depression – the kind that takes hold and WON’T let go. 

But what you may NOT have heard of is its SORDID past…

And the SCARY future that it may have in store for us. 

One that we may  have gotten just a glimpse of with the recent death of a beloved TV star. 

Don’t worry, I’m here today to separate the wheat from the chaff… 

As well as share what you CAN do if mood issues have you in their grip. 

Now, ketamine has grabbed a lot of headlines lately for being implicated in the death of actor Matthew Perry, star of the sitcom “Friends.”

I’ve never been the actor’s physician… and I don’t have any access to his medical records beyond what’s already been released to the public. 

But we all know how Perry had notoriously and very publicly STRUGGLED with addiction issues throughout his career.

So, it’s no surprise that some wondered if his sudden passing at the young age of 54 could’ve had something to do with a relapse. 

The toxicology reports, however, told a DIFFERENT story.

The MAJOR culprit? “Acute effects of ketamine.”

Turns out, Perry was one of those patients who RELIED on this drug to help him get through the day. 

Did he know he was playing with FIRE? Maybe. 

See, ketamine has a history as a party drug… sometimes called “Special K”… because of its hallucinogenic effects that could send users down a so-called “K hole.”

However, when used the right way… and in small doses… 

This tranquilizer (often used on animals, like horses) could help a depressive person disassociate from their mental problems. 

Some docs also prescribe it off-label to help folks get sober from alcohol… and STAY on the wagon…

Which is something Perry also GRAPPLED with. 

The sitcom star was receiving ketamine infusion therapy at a clinic, overseen by a medical doctor…

But that’s NOT what killed him. 

His blood levels of ketamine were MUCH higher than what would’ve come from the last infusion he received before he died…

Which could mean he may have found another way of getting the stuff. 

And perhaps what really happened is that he unwittingly overdosed in a way he NEVER expected – by taking “medicine” instead of booze and hard drugs. 

Ketamine may be widely considered a “safe” anesthetic… 

But the truth is, it’s actually HIGHLY addictive... ESPECIALLY for folks with a history of getting hooked on other substances.

And using ketamine can spell DISASTER for someone with existing heart issues.

Matthew Perry appears to have experienced a DOUBLE WHAMMY…

With a substance use disorder that was WIDELY documented… AND a case of coronary artery disease. 

At the levels that the actor had in his blood… which was equivalent to a dose of general anesthesia…

Ketamine OVERSTIMULATES the heart… sends blood pressure SOARING… and SUPPRESSES breathing. 

That could’ve been enough to make him SLUMP in the warm end of his backyard pool.

But, according to the coroner, Perry DIDN’T die primarily from drowning. 

It was the ketamine. 

And that’s some very SOBERING news… especially for those patients who might be hoping for a MIRACLE from the drug. 

I hope one of the lessons learned here… although by great sacrifice of human life… is that ketamine is NOT to be messed with on your own. 

That’s why you might’ve seen ketamine clinics popping up in your area… 

But before you STEP FOOT into one, you should know that they’re largely UNREGULATED…

And create their own protocols with NO standardized dosages. 

And they just might be CASHING IN on a trend… since most insurance companies don’t cover ketamine therapy… which was a $3 billion industry in 2022 alone. 

If you suffer from hard-to-treat depression… and I pray you NEVER do…

Try looking at what the root cause of your mood issues might be… like OTHER medications!

Believe it or not, some mood meds could actually CAUSE suicidal ideation… 

Not to mention pain meds… acid blockers… sleeping pills… and more. 

ELIMINATE the culprit… and you may not have to RISK your life with any experimental therapy. 

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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