Thymus removal results in higher mortality from cancer and all causes

December 17, 2023

Don’t let your doc take this CRUCIAL body part away from you!

Ever notice how BARBARIC modern mainstream medicine is?

They act like we’ve come SO FAR… as though our technological advancements are what separates us from the CAVEMEN…

But when it comes down to it… they’re WAY too willing to indulge their PREHISTORIC instincts when it comes to addressing health problems. 

Toothache? Yank it out!

Diabetic foot problems? Cut it off!

Thyroid issues? Get rid of that sucker!

They’ll CLAIM that you’ll GAIN more than you’ll LOSE… that the benefits OUTWEIGH the risks. 

But there’s something else that’s getting removed FAR too often…

Something that’s been flying under the radar in terms of how CRUCIAL it is to your health…

And how much you’ll MISS it when it’s gone. 

I’m talking about the thymus. 

This humble gland, located in your chest, is part of your lymphatic system… 


Which means it’s CLOSELY linked to immune function… detoxification… and more. 

But for some reason, mainstream experts have been claiming FOR AGES that we don’t need it as adults!

And they’ve been all-too-willing to SLICE it out of patients with certain conditions… like cancers of the thymus (a.k.a. thymoma) and an autoimmune disease called myasthenia gravis. 

Some docs might just DITCH the thing if it gets in the way of heart surgery!

According to a recent study out of Harvard, however… SACRIFICING the thymus could actually SABOTAGE your fight against cancer…

And even potentially put you in an early grave. 

See, the thymus may only be the size of a walnut…

But this UNDERAPPRECIATED organ provides the VITAL service of churning out mature T-cells… which your immune system enlists as SOLDIERS to help beat back cancer. 

In fact, the “T” in T-cells (a.k.a. “T-lymphocytes”) stands for “thymus”!

That’s why it’s not surprising that this latest study found that folks who’d had the thymus surgically removed showed TWICE the risk of developing cancer…

And HIGHER cancer mortality than Americans in general. 

That’s not all…

Because LOSING the thymus was also associated with a 73% higher death rate from ANY cause!

Harvard researchers looked closely at the thymectomy patients’ health records to see what ELSE was going on with them…

And found that those WITHOUT a thymus exhibited LOWER T-cell production… and HIGHER clinical markers of inflammation…

In some cases, 10X higher!

Excess inflammation can WREAK HAVOC on the systems of your body…

And while no one’s death certificate lists “inflammation” as a cause of death… it most certainly LEADS to conditions that could SHORTEN your life. 

So, the takeaway from the study’s authors is to FORGET what we’ve been told about the thymus losing its importance in our adult years…

And to HOLD ONTO it as tightly as you can!

That means if you’re going in for cardiothoracic surgery… and your chest is getting opened up for any reason…

Make sure your surgeon knows you want to KEEP your thymus… and that no matter what they said in medical school, it’s NOT disposable.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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