Type 2 diabetes remission associated with lower risk of cardiovascular and kidney disease

March 7, 2024

Yes, it IS possible to REVERSE diabetes… WITHOUT drugs

Friend, if you’re STRUGGLING to control your blood sugar…

And you’re feeling like a FAILURE…

You’re not alone. 

For decades, diabetics have been set up to FAIL… 

Because if they CONQUER their disease… they’re no longer a patient. 

And if they’re no longer a patient… that means Big Pharma has LOST a customer. 

So, the mainstream will INSIST that type 2 diabetes CAN’T be reversed…

And that the BEST way to manage the disease once it fully takes hold is to artificially LOWER your blood glucose levels with Big Pharma’s drugs. 

I’ve been saying FOR YEARS how that’s not true…

And now, here it is in black and white… in the recently-published results of a 12-year study. 

Not only did the participants achieve REMISSION from type 2…

But they did it through an intensive lifestyle intervention!

Translation: Patients were CURED of type 2 diabetes, thanks to diet and exercise. 

That’s right, it was as simple as CUTTING calories… and getting a little less than 3 hours of moderate activity a week!

We’re not talking a GRUELING gym routine, here – but more along the lines of a brisk walk. 

And that was enough to bring folks’ A1C levels down… and get them OFF of their diabetes meds!

Here’s the real kicker…


REVERSING the disease… and getting the participants OFF their meds… had even BETTER, BROADER implications on their health. 

Compared to the study subjects who DIDN’T go into remission… 

The “former” diabetics had a 40% lower rate of heart disease… and a 33% lower rate of chronic kidney disease.

And that’s what you REALLY want in a diabetes cure. 

That’s one area where Big Pharma’s blood sugar-lowering drugs have really come up short, historically. 

Because while SOME tout the ability to reduce cardiovascular death… or keep severe heart events at bay…

They don’t actually stop heart disease in its tracks.

And others… like the drug class known as TZDs… could make your heart health WORSE!

Likewise, certain diabetes meds could STAVE OFF series kidney problems… including SGLT-2 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists…

But again, they don’t help keep you OUT of the crosshairs for chronic kidney disease. 

At best, they could help SLOW its progression to end-stage kidney disease, including kidney failure. 

Friend, that’s just not good enough. 

Especially when you consider the side effects and adverse events associated with these drug classes.

SGLT-2 inhibitors have been associated with ketoacidosis and excess amputations… and that’s just for starters. 

GLP-1 agonists could CHOKE you to death – and if you SURVIVE that, they just might make you want to OFF yourself!

SKIP the drugs… and kick blood sugar woes to the curb with smart food choices and a little more exercise. 

It really is as simple as that.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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