Are ‘forever chemicals’ like PFAS in your drinking water?

September 6, 2023

Fed inaction means ‘forever chemicals’ might NEVER leave your tap

You know how NOTHING sticks to Teflon?

It’s amazing how much certain government officials and corporate bigwigs have in common with it…

Because time and again, they manage to let accusations SLIDE right off of them!

But here’s the thing about this “non-stick” surface…

It contains chemicals that stick around FOREVER.

And these toxins just might be in your drinking water.

I’m talking about PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances)… a class of chemicals that includes the known endocrine disruptor, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).  

Teflon’s maker, DuPont, has taken a little heat for PUMPING this known toxin into their products… and HIDING it from both their employees and the general public.

But Teflon isn’t the only source of PFAS…

And it turns out, other corporate execs might have also known FOR DECADES just how toxic these “forever chemicals” really are!

Here’s the thing…

SO MUCH time has passed, with these products being used in our households… being EATEN OFF OF… and then being TOSSED AWAY to rot in landfills…

The chemicals they contain are now CONTAMINATING some of our groundwater supply.

One team of researchers estimated that forever chemicals are showing up in the drinking water of 1 in 20 Americans.

But the latest findings out of the USGS estimates that they’ve infiltrated nearly HALF of our country’s drinking water supply!

And they’re even showing up in the vast majority of our blood. I’m talking 97% of Americans tested.

We’re now seeing an “avalanche” (as TIME magazine calls it) of lawsuits regarding the chemicals against the likes of DuPont and the other big player in PFAS, 3M.

Because in addition to hormone imbalances, these toxins have been linked to immune dysfunction… high cholesterol… and, you guessed it, cancer.

But the feds aren’t doing ANYTHING to force these companies to clean up their own messes!

These bozo officials SAY they’re working on establishing limits to PFAS in the water supply on a national level… but even the EPA admits that there’s NO safe level of these poisons in water.

ELIMINATING these chemicals entirely seems to be impossible… partially because new PFAS are always being created and brought to market. Trying to catch them all is like playing a game of Whac-A-Mole.

The good news is that you CAN control what’s coming out of your faucet… at least, to a certain degree.

Your best bet is a reverse osmosis filter… which can reduce the amount of PFAS in your water.

But don’t stop there…

Toss your stain-resistant or waterproof upholstery and carpeting… especially if it imported into this country.

And if you need to buy something new… like shoes, clothing, even floss or toilet paper…  make sure it’s PFAS-free.

Finally, friend, I urge you to find out how heavy the “toxic load” is that you’re carrying around in your body.

An integrative doctor can screen your blood… and work with you on how to detox.

For better health,

Dr. Marc Micozzi

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