Aspartame a ‘possible carcinogen,’ WHO’s cancer agency declares

September 7, 2023

Feds not BUDGING on aspartame safety ruling despite cancer SCARE

Friend, remember what it was like in the 1980s… in the days of getting “Physical” and “Sweatin’ to the Oldies”?

When Hanoi Jane somehow became an exercise expert… and we all started doing aerobics in front of the TV.

Back then, too many of us picked up another habit, too…

Drinking diet soda!

But if you’re still a fan of the fizzy stuff… you’ve probably been a little concerned about what they’re saying about aspartame…

And how it might cause cancer. 

Ask me, this news is NO shocker. Not if you’ve been paying attention. 

You see, in 1981, the feds gave the “thumbs up” for the artificial sweetener aspartame to be added to food in 1981… and, in 1983, to soft drinks. 

But getting the green light wasn’t a slam dunk… at first.

Pharmaceutical company G.D. Searle PATENTED it in 1970… and feds subsequently REJECTED its use as a food additive because it just didn’t seem safe enough to consume.

But eventually, officials changed their tune… and got fully behind the chemical. 

Ever since, they’ve continued to swear up and down that it won’t hurt you… even when people have complained of headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms. 

In fact, every time anyone has tried to question aspartame’s safety over the last 40 years… Big Soda and the FDA have shut them down. 

Even when a legit study out of Italy found a possible link to cancer nearly 20 years ago.

After all this time, new research CONTINUES to reveal the dangers of this sugar substitute – most recently, coming out of the World Health Organization’s own cancer research arm, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

The findings? Aspartame is a “possible carcinogen”… specifically linked to a certain type of liver cancer.

Now, I don’t know about you… but even just the POSSIBILITY of an ingredient causing cancer is enough to keep me from pouring it down my gullet.

I’ve got to believe that PLENTY of others feel the SAME way… and might take this opportunity to finally KICK the habit.

So, I’m not surprised to see officials putting a SPIN on the news… with another WHO agency disputing the findings…

And the FDA chiming in with its own rebuttal… DIGGING its heels in and REFUSING to budge!

I’m sure they’re hoping to close the book on the whole debate…

But this controversy ISN’T going away. 

Over and over again, studies keep finding a cancer link to diet soda consumption… and specifically to consuming soft drinks artificially sweetened with aspartame.

The key may be in HOW MUCH you consume… and that’s something experts can’t seem to agree on, either.

But it’s also hard to know the EXACT dosage of aspartame you’re getting – because it’s not just a matter of how many cans of cola you’re guzzling down. The chemical has worked its way into many OTHER “sugar-free” items… including chewing gum, maple syrups, salad dressings, and more.

And don’t forget about those little blue packets and little yellow packets at your local coffee shop.

If you ask me, there’s NO safe amount of aspartame-containing diet soda to consume… even forgetting about the risk of “the big C.” 

Study after study have found that those who replace plain ol’ sugar with aspartame actually GAIN weight… 

And are in the crosshairs for blood sugar issues… and even heart disease!

Of course, too much sugar isn’t going to do you any favors, either… and if you’re already struggling to control your Hb1aC, you might be looking for an alternative way to sweeten your coffee or tea.

Me, I like the naturally-derived sweeteners better – stevia, monkfruit, xylitol, even honey. But the key to all of these is moderation.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc Micozzi M.D., Ph.D.

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