BLACKLISTED fat could be ‘liquid gold’ for healthy immune function

September 27, 2023

Friend, I can’t help but shake my head. Time and time again, I’m reminded that no matter how often we do what we’re supposed to do… we follow the “rules”…

In the end, we get bitten in the butt.

I mean, we pay our taxes, for chrissake. (Unless, of course, you’re Hunter Biden.)

And what do we get for our money?

A bunch of feds who don’t know which end is up…

Who are CONSTANTLY leading us astray… by setting “guidelines” that, in reality, could be DESTROYING our health!

And I’ve got some news today that shows just how WRONG our “leaders” have been about the dietary advice they gave us FOR DECADES.

As it turns out, a once-blacklisted ingredient could actually help conquer one of the BIGGEST culprits behind chronic illness… mystery symptoms… disability…

And even increased mortality!

That culprit, my friend, is autoimmunity.

It’s when your immune system hijacks your wellbeing… and begins attacking healthy tissue and systems… for no apparent reason.

It’s the underlying mechanism behind conditions that have STUMPED mainstream medicine…

Like rheumatoid arthritis… MS… IBD… and even some thyroid issues.

The research I want to share with you today focuses on type 1 diabetes – a disease that usually develops early in life and has no known cure.

But Italian researchers found a way to STAVE OFF the development of this autoimmune disease in mice by making a simple addition to their feed.

They gave them olive oil.

Now, if you’re a little on the older side like me, you remember when olive oil wasn’t as EMBRACED as it is today. Back in the 1980s, cutting ALL fat out of your diet was ALL the craze!

But the fat-free movement had begun in the 1960s…

Which means scores of Americans were MISSING OUT on the “good fats”… like olive oil… that can actually help PROMOTE good health.

I’m talking heart health… and yes, even immunity.

And you know what else was going on in the ’60s? Autoimmune diseases were SOARING!

Now, it doesn’t surprise me that this latest study comes out of Italy – because folks in the Mediterranean have known about the benefits of this “liquid gold” for AGES.

And olive oil is one of the KEY ingredients in the Mediterranean diet.

It’s PACKED with antioxidants… and acts as a POWERFUL anti-inflammatory. It also helps BOOST your supply of “good cholesterol,” a.k.a. HDL… which helps SWEEP the “bad” cholesterol (a.k.a. LDL) out of your body!

In this study I just mentioned, consuming olive oil appeared to help improve… and even STRENGTHEN… the gut lining.

That helps keep an immune system on the right track…

Because much of our immunity is actually CONTROLLED by the “good bugs” in our gut microbiome!

And if a weak (or “leaky”) lining lets the good bugs out and allows toxins to enter the gut… immune function can take a nasty hit.

If you ask me, some of these nanny state nincompoops ought to be in jail.

But somehow, most of the CRIMINALS in government… the ones with the right connections… come out smelling like a rose. (Especially if you’re Hunter Biden, but don’t get me started on that.)

Friend, follow the science… and invest in a high-quality, extra-virgin olive oil for drizzling to your heart’s content. (Contrary to reports that state otherwise, you can even cook with it!)

Because there are lots of other studies out there that show how olive oil is associated with a more balanced immune-related inflammatory response, too!

For better health,

Dr. Marc Micozzi

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