Boil some chestnuts for a gentle diarrhea remedy

October 19, 2023

'Holiday treat’ SOOTHES a fiery gut all year long

We don’t like to talk about it… and we do everything we can to HIDE it…

But it happens to all of us at one time or another. 

Something you ate hits you the wrong way… or a drug you just started taking goes right through you…

And you’re left running for the nearest toilet… hoping you’ll make it there in time. 

When you’re struck by “the runs” – a.k.a. diarrhea – you’re looking for FAST relief. 

And it can be tempting to take one of those OTC meds that’ll dry you right up. 

But those drugs can work TOO well… and cause the OPPOSITE problem…

Leaving you BACKED UP!

When it comes to your bowel movements, going from feast to famine is BAD NEWS. 

You need to strike a healthy BALANCE between the two. 

And that’s where natural interventions come in – because they’re a GENTLER approach to getting your system back on track. 

Here’s one I GUARANTEE your mainstream doc would never share with you…


You may only think of them roasting on an open fire during the winter holidays…

But these nutritious nuggets are actually a tasty way to CALM DOWN the inflammation and irritation that’s RAGING in your bowels… ANY time of year!

Scientific studies have found that one of the substances found in chestnuts that’s KEY to its antidiarrheal action is a type of tannin called castalagin

This ingredient has been successfully used on animals in veterinary settings…

And in a 2020 study out of Switzerland, chestnut extract even helped animal subjects OVERCOME being infected with E. coli!

Plus, when chestnuts go through your digestive system, they exert astringent (a.k.a. drying) properties… but in a very MILD manner. 

That’s why they can help beat back diarrhea… without leading to constipation. 

Now, chestnuts may be called a “nut”… but they’re actually a fruit. 

And they’re PACKED with B vitamins and fiber. 

You might think that TOO MUCH fiber could’ve put you in this position in the first place…

But the type of fiber found in chestnuts actually helps NOURISH your gut microbiome. 

And BALANCED gut flora is CRUCIAL to keeping bathroom emergencies at bay. 

Now, I’m sure you’ve heard the hype about probiotics… and you may think that you should be taking those expensive supplements to keep “the trots” from striking.

I say skip ’em. 

They’re POINTLESS for diarrhea!

DO eat foods that are rich in natural probiotics… like Greek yogurt (the full-fat kind)… and other fermented foods like pickled vegetables, kimchi, and sauerkraut. 

Know what else is fermented? (You’re gonna love this one…)


Just make sure you pair your probiotic foods with prebiotic foods that contain fibers that help FEED those “good bugs” in your gut. 

Some of the top foods that’ll help boost your prebiotic supply include:

  • fruits like apples and bananas
  • veggies like asparagus and chicory
  • onions, including leeks
  • garlic
  • seeds and nuts
  • legumes, and
  • whole grains.

And if you can, really try to avoid taking antibiotics. Those things wreak havoc on your gut – and one of the most common side effects is diarrhea. 

If you’ve already got a bout of diarrhea… and you’re looking to CLEAR IT UP… try boiled sweet chestnuts (which are different than the horse chestnut extract you’ll find in the supplement aisle). 

I also like to recommend peppermint oil capsules for this type of digestive turmoil – just make sure they’re enteric-coated so they survive your stomach acid to get to where they’re needed most.

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