COVID-19 ‘summer surge’ brings talk of fall vaccine boosters

September 18, 2023

Mainstream DOUBLING DOWN on Covid vax amid ‘summer surge’

The COVID-19 pandemic may be “officially” over… 

But you can bet we’re still going to be hearing about it for months… or maybe even YEARS to come!

There’s NO way that Big Pharma is going to let go of the opportunity to CASH IN on the virus…

With its oral antiviral pill just getting the full greenlight from the FDA this past May…

And plenty of more vaccine doses waiting in the wings. 

Friend, I’m sure you’ve heard of a “summer surge” of the coronavirus…

And how new variants are STILL grabbing headlines.

Maybe you’ve already gotten sick from the virus… or maybe you’ve managed to DODGE the thing for over three years. 

No matter to them – they want you to ROLL UP your sleeves and get JABBED!

Of course, they don’t mention that at least one new variant, BA.2.86, can actually EVADE the existing vaccines… 

And getting YET ANOTHER shot might not keep you from catching it. 

Oh, but wait… I forgot that the CDC has a cover story for that…

Which is how getting vaxxed isn’t about PREVENTING infection… but preventing SEVERE infection. 

I just can’t wait until we’ve got enough distance from this thing to really take a look at WHAT went down… and HOW it went down…

And ALL the things that went wrong.

Not just WHERE the virus came from… but also the egregious FAILINGS of Covid tests and the labs that analyzed them!

I’m talking DELAYS in getting results… and FALSE positives, just for starters.

No wonder folks don’t trust the CDC!

Now, there’s already talk of “fall booster” season… and while the feds haven’t yet announced their recommendations…

Experts are expecting seniors to be in the crosshairs for another Covid vax push. 

Add to that the annual ONSLAUGHT of flu shot propaganda…

And a new vax for ANOTHER respiratory illness striking seniors, RSV.

They want to prick you with so many needles… you’ll feel like a PINCUSHION!

Mainstream medicine is already trying to figure out how to kill more than one bird with one stone…

By possibly giving you the flu shot at the same time as your Covid booster… or, alternatively, at the same time as your RSV vax.

Otherwise, they say, BEWARE the “tripledemic”! (And I thought “twindemic” was bad when it was just COVID-19 and the flu…)

Friend, you don’t need to RESORT to getting the flu shot… just to AVOID coming down with the flu. 

Most times, it doesn’t even do what it’s supposed to for a LARGE portion of those who receive it…

With its effectiveness not much better than a coin toss… in a GOOD year!

And the RSV vax carries some heavy-duty risks… including a DISABLING disease called Guillain-Barré syndrome…

And the heart rhythm issue known as atrial fibrillation (or afib, for short).

Before you commit to ANY of these shots… make sure you KNOW the risks… and WEIGH the benefits. 

In the meantime, make sure you’re BOOSTING your immune defenses naturally… 

With GOOD nutrition… COMMON SENSE hygiene (soap and water, anyone?)… OPTIMAL doses of vitamins C and D3… and PROTECTIVE minerals like selenium and zinc.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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