Daily baby aspirin linked to iron deficiency, anemia

October 1, 2023

Mainstream admits: You should DITCH the daily aspirin!

For DECADES, we’ve been told that popping a daily baby aspirin was CRUCIAL to maintaining heart health…

Especially when it comes to BEATING BACK a heart attack or stroke. 

And if you’re like most Americans, you’ve followed that advice… NEVER thinking that it could actually HARM you. 

Well, friend, the truth is finally coming out… and the mainstream is finally accepting it.

And I say it’s about time. 

Because those of us who’ve been paying attention have known for far too long that taking aspirin could come with TERRIFYING risks…

Namely of stomach bleeding… and ulcers SO severe, they cause HOLES in your stomach lining!

That’s not all…

Because taking too much aspirin… even that low-dose, “baby” version… could lead to devastating and life-threatening brain bleeds.

Even if you’re otherwise healthy!

Listen, I’m all about being proactive to STAY healthy… and keep disease at bay. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say. 

But friend, this ain’t it.

And now the “experts” in charge are starting to take notice.

Last year, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force came out with a shocker recommendation to NOT take a daily dose of aspirin if you’re over 60… 

Because as it turns out, the risk of internal bleeding DOESN’T outweigh whatever benefits you might get from the stuff.

And the latest research chimes in with yet ANOTHER reason why you should DITCH the daily aspirin…

The risk of becoming anemic.

A just-out study… one funded by the NIH, no less… found that folks age 70 and up who took 100 mg of aspirin daily had a significantly higher chance of seeing their iron levels take a NOSEDIVE.

And they were 25% more likely to be clinically diagnosed with anemia!

Suffering from iron deficiency and anemia can SAP you of your energy… but that’s not all. 

These conditions are also associated with heart disease… cognitive impairment… and increased MORTALITY.

Now, the mainstream isn’t giving up without a fight… and some advice (like from the Mayo Clinic) suggests that you start up on the aspirin habit if you’re YOUNGER than 60…

Especially if you’re at high risk for a heart attack or stroke. 

If that’s truly the case… I’d like to know what ELSE is going on in your health to put you at such HIGH risk… at such a YOUNG age!

There’s something else you need to be aware of…

And that’s the trade-off your doc might expect you to make when giving up aspirin. 

Because the theory behind easing up on the daily dose is that most older folks are doing something ELSE to reduce their heart risk – taking statins. 

So, if you’re not ALREADY on these cholesterol-lowering meds… don’t be surprised if your doc reaches for his prescription pad and starts scribbling. 

But let me remind you that statins offer a rogue’s gallery of risks, too… like muscle pain and weakness… 

And working TOO WELL by bringing your cholesterol levels down TOO LOW. 

Even the CDC admits that high levels of “good” cholesterol (a.k.a. HDL) can stack the odds in your favor when it comes to heart disease and stroke.

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