Daily multivitamin shown to STAVE OFF age-related memory decline

October 26, 2023

This simple daily habit could BOOST your brain (Don’t UNDERESTIMATE its power!)

It’s one of the most TERRIFYING things that can happen to you as you get older. 

You’re not just forgetting a few names… and maybe a face or two. 

You’re LOSING your grip on reality… and losing sight of what makes you YOU.

Friend, I hate to break it to you… but seeing a regular ol’ mainstream doc probably won’t do much.

Because the makers behind the “latest and greatest” Alzheimer’s drugs don’t have A CLUE what’s needed to preserve your precious memories. 

And if they can’t scribble out a prescription for you… most docs in the mainstream today have their HANDS TIED. 

Fortunately, the latest research shows there’s a quick and easy thing you can do EVERY DAY to add some oomph to your brainpower. 

It’s SO simple, in fact… you might not BELIEVE me when I tell you what it is!

It’s been shown to not only help BEAT BACK memory loss… but also BOOST brain function in older folks. 


I’m talking about taking your daily multi. 

That’s right – a MAJOR study out of Columbia University has found that subjects who took a multivitamin every day over the course of three years effectively SLAMMED THE BRAKES on age-related memory decline. 

In fact, the multivitamin group significantly OUTPERFORMED the control group on brain tests after just the first year!

Now, these study participants weren’t Alzheimer’s patients. They were just regular older guys and gals. 

But three years can make a big difference in how your memory can normally fade with age – even without any form of mild cognitive impairment or dementia at play. 

That’s what’s really exciting about these latest findings… because it was as if those three years had NEVER passed. 

Like a wrinkle in time!

Which means the multivitamin group showed BETTER memory performance at the end of the study than if they hadn’t taken one at all. 

Now, everybody in the vitamin group took Centrum Silver – but you can choose any high-quality multi you and your doc like for you.

Just make sure it’s got plenty of vitamins D and E in it… as those are two of the BIGGEST brain-boosting vitamins out here. 

I love sharing good news like this with you… but don’t stop at just “taking your vitamins.” 

Because no matter how good they are, they CAN’T make up for any malnutrition you may be experiencing from a poor diet!

So, line up some nutrient-packed meals, too… like those you’ll find in the Mediterranean diet. 

Add in some good ol’ egg yolks… coffee… and dark chocolate… 

And you’ll be cooking with gas!

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc Micozzi M.D., Ph.D.

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