Daily soda consumption linked to liver cancer, chronic liver disease death in older women

November 22, 2023

Could drinking this DESTROY your liver? [Not what you think]

It sounds so INNOCENT… even HARMLESS.

“Soft drink.”

I mean, it’s not the HARD stuff that boozehounds guzzle down — a.k.a. the spirits so POTENT they were outlawed for over a decade. 

After all, sodas are bubbly and light… and they go down real easy. 

But there’s a DARK truth hiding behind so-called “soft” drinks… like your colas, root beers, and “dews”…

And I hope this latest news makes you DITCH these very very BAD beverages… for good!

Ladies, you’ll want to pay PARTICULAR attention to this one…

Because in a recent study out of the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, older gals who drank at least one soda a day showed a significantly higher risk for liver cancer… compared to those who drank three or less servings of “pop” per month. 

That’s not all…


Because their risk of DYING from chronic liver disease also made a jump.

Now, most folks probably associate liver problems with drinking too much alcohol…

But this latest research shows that even if you’re a teetotaler… never touching A DROP of “the stuff”… drinking the WRONG kind of beverage could really do a number on your liver.

Even non-alcoholic drinks!

Friend, your liver is a WORKHORSE that acts as a filter for your entire body… and helps DETOXIFY your blood. 

So, it’s one of those VITAL organs you just can’t live without. 

And you don’t want to do ANYTHING that could compromise it. 

Now, liver cancer is bad enough on its own… but its survival rates are particularly EGREGIOUS when combined with chronic liver disease. 

And prior research has found that high-fructose corn syrup… a common component in “sugary” soft drinks… could trigger fatty liver disease. 

You know what else could FATTEN UP your liver? 


And goodness gracious, all that sugar from a daily soda habit could send your blood glucose SKY HIGH.

Now, this latest study followed its subjects over the course of 20 years… and the youngest among them was age 50. 

No matter how many candles you’ve got on YOUR birthday cake… it’s not too late to get “on the wagon”…

And try “going dry” from those carbonated sugar bombs. 

If it’s fizz you’re after… you can try one of those naturally-flavored seltzers that are everywhere these days. 

Just make sure no sugar’s been ADDED to it… 

And no artificial sweeteners, either. 

Although the study I just shared with you didn’t find a connection between “fake sugar” and liver cancer or liver disease mortality… 

Some researchers HAVE linked sugar substitutes with liver dysfunction… and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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