Dietary approaches could help reduce dementia risk

December 3, 2023

DELAY dementia… with the MIND diet?

You feel like you’re LOSING your mind…

And worse yet… you’re FAILING to keep a firm grip on your sense of self. 

Because WHO are you really… without your precious memories…

And without being able to recognize the ones you love?

It’s a nightmare scenario…

One that NOBODY should have to go through. 

It’s no wonder folks will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to stave off memory loss…

And keep a dementia diagnosis at bay. 

Of course, your doc might start recommending one of Big Pharma’s drugs at the SLIGHTEST sign of cognitive decline…

But even if those meds could SLOW the onset or progression of dementia… even just a little bit…

Some of the risks they come with could put your brain in the crosshairs!

And then you’ve got to make Sophie’s Choice.

It doesn’t have to be that way. 

In fact, it could be a lot EASIER… 

And you could STAVE OFF dementia right now… starting TODAY. 

It just takes one tweak of your diet… and you won’t BELIEVE how simple it is. 

In fact, if you’re following one of the MAJOR aspects of my nutritional advice… you could already be well on your way to saving your precious memories. 

Now, I’m a big fan of the Mediterranean diet for a lot of reasons… not the least of which being how DELICIOUS it is to enjoy…

And how EASY it is to prepare. 

In fact, it doesn’t feel like a “diet” at all!

It’s really an approach to eating that incorporates lots of fruits and veggies… and moderate amounts of lean animal protein and fish. You can also INDULGE in some red wine… and of course don’t forget the olive oil. 

Well, it turns out the Mediterranean diet is part of a nutritional plan that’s shown some promise when it comes to keeping dementia at bay. 

In fact, research has shown that it could be a way to SLASH Alzheimer’s risk by as much as 53%...

And even IMPROVE cognition in folks who are already at high risk for developing the disease.

It’s called the MIND diet – which is short for “Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.”

And, as the name indicates, it’s a hybrid between the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet. 

You might’ve heard about the DASH diet as a way to keep your blood pressure in check…

And I’ll admit, I don’t love the DASH diet on its own. 

One reason is because it encourages eating low-fat dairy. Taking the fat out of dairy products is one of the biggest SCAMS of Big Food!

In fact, I always recommend keeping ALL the fat in your milks… cheeses… yogurts… and more. 

Truth is, beyond that, the DASH diet isn’t all that different than the Mediterranean diet!

So, by following the MIND diet, you get all the good of the Mediterranean diet… which has ALSO shown to help SLAM the brakes on dementia…

Along with some additional “common sense” rules about what NOT to eat… like fast food and pastries. 

Honestly, if you’re doing the Mediterranean diet right… you’re not gobbling down any of that junk anyway. 

There’s something else you can do… something that could put your memories in an even STRONGER lockbox. 

Move around a little bit more. 

Eating healthy goes hand-in-hand with exercise… and getting some more activity has been shown to help keep your mind active… 

And could even FURTHER reduce your risk for developing dementia.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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