EPA-approved, plastic-based fuel could guarantee cancer for everyone who comes in contact with it

October 10, 2023

Boat fuel is a ‘sure thing’ when it comes to cancer… and the EPA just approved it

It may be called the “Environmental Protection Agency”…

But it beats me what it’s actually PROTECTING!

Because the feds at the EPA just approved a NIGHTMARE type of fuel “alternative” from Chevron… all in the name of saving the planet. 

But while this energy source is supposedly more “climate-friendly” than, say, natural gas or oil…

It’s putting US ALL in the crosshairs!

According to a shocking new expose, nearly EVERY person exposed to this fuel ingredient over their lifetime could develop cancer. 

Imagine the lung cancer risk from a lifetime of smoking… and now multiply that by SIX. That’ll put you in the right ballpark for the heightened risk of this stuff.

That lifetime cancer risk is A MILLION TIMES greater than what the feds would normally approve. 

In the words of a former EPA scientist, that risk is “ridiculously high.”

But for some reason, the agency decided that was an EXAGGERATION… and rubber-stamped the substance…

Without even TRYING to reduce what anyone would consider an “unreasonable risk to health.”

The “new” ingredient is actually made from plastic waste… and it’s been shown to POISON air and water it comes in contact with. 

And it was just greenlit to fuel boats. 

You can’t make this stuff up!

The risk isn’t just to the boat captain… or the refinery workers…

But ANYONE within breathing distance of the fumes from the boats themselves.

The findings are SO strong… SO definitive…

They reveal that coming into contact with this stuff means you’re practically GUARANTEED to get the “Big C.”

This is so bad, I’m almost not sure who to blame here. 

Is it Chevron for trying to APPEASE the climate-grieving leftists begging for a Green New Deal? (Never mind the fact that plastics are made from the fossil fuels everybody’s complaining about… or that BURNING plastic was never a good idea.)

Since when do we have to SACRIFICE human lives for the sake of being “eco-friendly”?

Ask me, and the blame is really on the EPA here – for not doing their job and evaluating a new substance the way they’re supposed to, for letting corporate interests take precedence over plain ol’ common sense.

And if there’s NOT something more sinister happening behind the scenes here…

If the feds were simply NEGLIGENT in their approval process over this cancer-causing chemical…

That’s WAY scarier.

Because it means the system is BROKEN.

And how many lives will be lost while we try to fix it?

Friend, if you’re lucky enough to have a boat you can take out on the water… check what kind of fuel you’re using. 

My advice is to stick to the tried-and-true stuff… 

And watch out for what comes next.

Because if the EPA ends up getting away with this… there’s no telling WHAT the agency will do next.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc Micozzi M.D., Ph.D.

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