FDA and USDA greenlights meat products grown in a laboratory

October 4, 2023

Feds playing God with approval of lab-grown meat [What are they THINKING?!]

It’s like a scene out of a classic horror movie…

When a mad scientist stands in his laboratory… laughing like a maniac when his experiment is finally a success.

That’s what I imagine happened behind the scenes when two companies got the greenlight from the feds to sell its lab-grown meat.

That’s right, they’re calling it “meat”…. but it’s actually been “cultured” in a petri dish… 

Taking just a few cells from a fertilized chicken egg or an adult bird… and “growing” animal tissue from there.

Next thing you know, presto chango you’ve got big sheets of “chicken” that can be cut into nuggets… cutlets… and more.

Is this the FUTURE of the American diet?! After all, the FDA has already labeled this “cultivated” product safe to eat…

And the USDA just rubber-stamped proposals from two firms, Upside Foods and Good Meat. 

It’s not just poultry in the works…

But also cultured “beef”… “pork”… and other meat- and dairy-like products that have been genetically engineered in test tubes.

I’ll level with you here – because I’m not really sure what’s behind all this science food. It ain’t cheap to make. I can’t see it turning a huge profit anytime soon. 

I can’t imagine it’s just for the bleeding-heart activists out there crying in their drum circles about animal rights and climate change…

And these lab-grown tissues sure aren’t vegan. (The meat-makers are working on that, using… no surprise here… GMOs.)

What gets my antennae up about this is the issue of control – a way for just a few companies, with the support of the government, to take the power away from cattle ranchers and small farmers and feed us all the same uniform glop. 

What REALLY goes into it before they wrap it in plastic… freeze it… and ship it across the country?

We may never know. All I know is, I’m not putting that in MY body.

Maybe the children starving in Africa will want to eat it… but ask me, I’ll take a nice juicy steak from a grass-fed cow any day. 

I like to have a really good handle on where my food is coming from… 

So, I rely on my butcher and local farmer’s market. Heck, I could probably visit the cows on the pasture and pick out the one I want. 

That’s CERTAINLY better than what you’ll get from those filthy factory farms… where they PUMP livestock full of cheap feed and antibiotics up the wazoo. 

And if you’re thinking that this lab-grown meat-food isn’t much different than other meat-based Frankenstein concoctions… like bologna or, say, SPAM…

Well, I wouldn’t eat that junk either.

Could lab meat be BAD for you? It’s too soon to tell… but I don’t like the looks of it. 

What I’d really like to do is sit those feds down and scream in their faces, “What were you THINKING?!”

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