FDA chief offers dangerous definition of misinformation in wake of declining life expectancy

October 24, 2023

FDA: Americans are DYING because of MISINFORMATION

Leave it to a fed to declare one of the DUMBEST things I’ve ever heard. 

FDA chief Robert Califf has gotten on his high horse about how Americans are dying SOONER now… despite all of our medical “advancements”…

Saying that it’s OUR fault… for not following THEIR advice!

He told KFF Health News that we’re simply MISINFORMED… 

And that, supposedly, is the “leading cause of meaningful life-years lost.”

Of course, there’s NO way to measure the death toll of misinformation…

And he’s ADMITTED that he can’t PROVE his claim. 

But the red flag for me is WHAT he considers “fake news.”

Because I agree that too many Americans have been MISLEAD into making their health WORSE...

But we are NOT on the same page when it comes to HOW we’ve gone astray. 

See, Califf claims our IGNORANCE is keeping us from taking mainstream drugs like statins… and getting JABBED by vaccines.

Sounds like a threat to me.

OBEY your mainstream doc… FILL your prescriptions… ROLL UP your sleeves… and BELIEVE everything you’re told…

Or you’ll land in an EARLY grave!


Let’s look at some REAL numbers… which paint a DIFFERENT picture of our declining life expectancy in this country. 

What’s ACTUALLY killing us too soon is medical errors, like misdiagnoses… and PREVENTABLE illness!

Americans are taking too many drugs… many of which are used to treat diseases we didn’t need to develop in the first place. 

And if we’re truly MISGUIDED… it’s because we’ve been FOOLED by mainstream medical advice!

You don’t have to be DELUDED…

And you don’t have to SUCCUMB to an early death. 

Ask questions… LOTS of them… and don’t be so QUICK to take medical myths as gospel. 

The sad news is, we’re part of a complex system that’s been DESIGNED to sell drugs – even to folks who DON’T need them. 

Too often, Big Pharma’s drugs… ones that turn patients into customers… only make you FEEL WORSE. (And if I were you, I’d stay VERY far away from statins.)

Here’s the other thing you need to know…

Life expectancy isn’t always what it’s CRACKED UP to be. 

Because like any other business, it’s a NUMBERS game… 

And the feds want to KEEP you hanging on for as long as possible… even if it means you’re MISERABLE in your final years. 

After all, it doesn’t make this country look too good when our expected lifespan is so much shorter than the rest of the developed countries in the “first world.”

What matters MORE to me, however, is your healthspan…

That is, how long you can stay FREE OF DISEASE… and INDEPENDENT. 

Now, I’ve been around the block a few times… and I’ve learned a few tips and tricks along the way. 

If you want a LONGER, BETTER life than what the mainstream has got planned for you…

DITCH the corporate approach to your health. 

That means SWITCHING from processed foods and factory-farmed meats to locally-sourced, fresh fruits and veggies and organic, grass-fed animal proteins. 

You’ll get a lot of mileage out of a stop at your local farmer’s market. 

And if ANY of the medical advice you’re hearing sounds a bit suspicious to you… especially when it comes to blockbuster “wonder” drugs that haven’t been around very long…

Ask questions to your heart’s content. 

Keep yourself on top of things… read the research… talk to experts yourself… and make your own INFORMED choices. 

Once you know the score… you’ll be able to decide what’s right for you…

No matter WHAT these nanny state nitwits tell you to do.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc Micozzi M.D., Ph.D.

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