FDA fast-tracked approval of Alzheimer’s drug lecanemab despite serious risk, with NO huge upside

October 11, 2023

FAST-TRACKED Alzheimer’s drug carries DEADLY risk, only SLIGHT benefits

Friend, by now I’m sure you’ve heard the headlines about a “historic moment”… a “new era”… and a “turning point” in Alzheimer’s treatments. 

Because there’s been A LOT of excitement about a just-approved drug for the disease, called lecanemab. 

Big Pharma NEEDS this med to work – because so far, it’s failed MISERABLY at developing anything that could help someone hold onto their precious memories.

And, of course, older folks who’ve already started to experience some mild cognitive impairment… or even cognitive decline… are DESPERATE for something to SLAM THE BRAKES on memory loss.

So, it comes as no surprise to me that the feds put this new drug’s approval on the FAST TRACK.

But if you’re looking for a quick fix in the form of a pill… well, friend, this ain’t it.

Lecanemab is actually an infusion that must be delivered intravenously in a clinical setting – and not just every once in a while, but every two weeks.

It’s a type of drug called a monoclonal antibody – and once in your bloodstream, those antibodies go to work ATTACKING amyloid beta in the brain. 

Problem is, no one really knows if those “plaques and tangles” of misfolded proteins in the brain are the CAUSE of Alzheimer’s… or merely a SYMPTOM of it.

Let me put it this way…

When there’s smoke, there’s fire… but getting rid of the smoke won’t PUT OUT the fire!

There’s more…

Because it turns out that in some people, DESTROYING beta amyloid protein could cause SERIOUS, LIFE-THREATENING side effects – ones that warrant a black box warning, like brain swelling and bleeds.

Turns out, those protein deposits may not be as VILLAINOUS as they’ve been made out to be.

Amyloid beta might actually form in the first place to help PROTECT the brain from LEAKING… getting PERMEATED by something that’s not supposed to be there… other otherwise getting DAMAGED.

Here’s the other kicker…

Not every Alzheimer’s patient has amyloid deposits in their brain… and not every person with amyloid deposits develops Alzheimer’s!

Listen, I’m glad to see someone trying to focus on the underlying cause of Alzheimer’s… rather than just treating its SYMPTOMS. 

But make no mistake: This new drug ISN’T a cure. 

In fact, lecanemab only makes a MODEST difference in Alzheimer’s patients’ lives… helping slow the progression of the disease, but NOT stopping it.

That might buy A LITTLE extra time – around 5 months. 

Now, only you can decide whether it’s worth taking such a BIG risk… for such a SHORT period of time.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to undergo some genetic testing first, to assess your risk for the brain swelling and bleeds…

And a PET scan to determine the presence of amyloid beta, a necessary condition for qualifying to take the drug. 

Once you start taking lecanemab, you’ll ALSO be subjected to frequent MRIs to monitor any problems that may arise.

When it comes to memory loss, time is of the essence. So I’d be more inclined to start up on a nutritional intervention as soon as possible – something that’s both safe AND effective. 

Some of my favorite brain-boosting formulas contain ingredients like…

  • ginkgo biloba
  • bacopa extract 
  • huperzine A
  • phosphatidylserine
  • and more.

Of course, check with your doc before starting up on anything new to make sure it’s safe for you to try.

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