‘Forever chemicals’ linked to DOUBLE cancer diagnosis in women

November 20, 2023

Once these ‘cancer chemicals’ LATCH ON… they NEVER go away

Friend, I’m sure by now you’ve heard of “forever chemicals”…

Those nasty toxins that got their name because they’re nearly IMPOSSIBLE to eradicate from the soil and groundwater supply that they contaminate. 

That means that they’ve been showing up in the food we eat…

And there’s a natural next step to that… one that’s downright HORRIFYING. 

Those poisons… most notably, PFAS (or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) and BPA ( bisphenol A)… are winding up in our bodies. 

PFAS had been detected in the blood of adults… as well as umbilical cord blood… and even breastmilk. 

That’s particularly ALARMING… because it’s possible that those toxins could also stay in our bodies FOREVER… as we have no inherent way of breaking them down. 

Now, you know that carrying around a heavy “toxic load” can have DEVASTATING ramifications for your health…

Like excess inflammation… immune dysfunction… hormonal imbalance… and liver damage. 

But this gets WORSE. 

Because in a recent study, University of Michigan researchers found higher levels of PFAS in women with certain types of cancer. 

I’m talking about cancers of the…

  • breast
  • skin
  • ovaries, and
  • uterus.

Expert commentators were quick to clarify that this doesn’t PROVE that the forever chemicals actually CAUSED the cancer…

But gee, isn’t it suspicious that women exposed to a certain type of PFAS… called PFDE… were TWICE as likely to be diagnosed with melanoma, a potentially DEADLY type of skin cancer?!

And women with high exposure to two other forever chemicals… PFNA and PFUA… weren’t too far behind that, statistically speaking. 

Besides, we KNOW that PFAS can accumulate in certain organ tissues… like that of the lungs and kidneys. 

PFAS have even been detected in human bones!

And wouldn’t you know it, scientists have discovered PFAS hiding in ovaries, too… right inside the fluid that surrounds the eggs (a.k.a. follicular fluid).

I’d be willing to put money on the fact that PFAS could also be found in skin tissue… breast tissue… and even uterine tissue. 

But here’s the real kicker…

They’re ALREADY finding PFAS in tumor samples.

In a 2022 study out of Michigan State, levels of a PFAS called perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) showed up in hepatobiliary- (like liver and gallbladder) and GI-related cancerous tissue. 

TWO studies published this year… one out of Italy and the other out of China… found forever chemicals hiding in a type of brain tumor, called a glioma. 

And you know what that means…

The molecules of these toxins are TINY enough to cross the blood-brain barrier. 

It’s no wonder they’ve ALSO been associated with neurotoxicity. 

Problem is, we could be touching… eating… and breathing these forever chemicals on a DAILY basis…

No matter WHERE we go!

One of the WORST culprits, in fact, could be the items in your own home!

I’m talking about your frying pans… food storage containers… sofa cushions… carpeting… and even bedding. 

You may not be able to eliminate your exposure to them ENTIRELY… but there’s a lot you can do to REDUCE your toxic load. 

Start by DITCHING plastics wherever you can… TOSSING your non-stick cookware… and reading the labels of EVERYTHING you buy. Look for PFAS-free and BPA-free replacements… but don’t stop there. 

Because there are other forever chemicals out there that are just as bad… if not WORSE… like BPS, a commonly swapped ingredient. 

And ladies, given your heightened risk… you’ll want to check your cosmetics, too. That includes shampoo. 

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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