Here’s what happens if hospital workers go on strike… and leave you in the LURCH

November 26, 2023

FED UP hospital workers could be M.I.A. when you need them most


You’ve tried EVERYTHING… but you just CAN’T avoid it any longer. 

You’ve GOT to go to the hospital. 

It’s ALWAYS a little scary to walk (or ROLL) through those doors…

But there’s something that could happen to make it downright TERRIFYING. 

You could have to cross the picket line to get inside!

Now, I don’t doubt that hospital workers are OVERWORKED… and UNDERPAID. 

And we’ve been hearing A LOT about so-called “burnout” since the early days of the pandemic. 

Having to deal with COVID-19 was enough to cause a MASS EXODUS of healthcare workers… who resorted to calling it quits over DEPLORABLE work conditions. 

Those that remained were left holding the bag at SHORT-STAFFED facilities.

Well, now they’re mad as heck… and they’re NOT going to take it anymore. 

In early October, the country saw a massive WALKOUT of hospital workers from Kaiser Permanente.

It was largest strike of its kind… EVER.

Friend, I don’t begrudge them their right to demand better wages and working conditions. 

But you need to know how it might affect you… should you ever need care during a strike like this. 

It could mean that you CAN’T get an appointment… because the person who does the scheduling is on strike. 

You might be left waiting in the emergency room FOR HOURS before somebody can even SEE you…

And when they do, there might be nobody to draw your blood…

Take your X-rays…

Fill your prescription…

Or even CLEAN up messes.

Because even if your doc and nurse are on the job… if the support staff they RELY on are M.I.A., it’s ANYTHING but business as usual.

Now, I actually think it’s BETTER for these burned-out healthcare workers to be out there PICKETING… instead of sleepwalking through their jobs like zombies.

I know that’s not who I want coming at me with a needle or a tube!

Maybe I know too much as a medical doctor. I know all about those double shifts. And I know how COMPROMISED the staff can get at a particularly busy hospital.

The sad truth is, sometimes it’s just not enough. 

That was true even BEFORE the pandemic turned our world upside down…

And now, patients who desperately need care aren’t even getting the BARE minimum. 

Friend, I’m not trying to ALARM you. 

But here’s the bottom line…

Do WHATEVER it takes to avoid a hospital visit… and ESPECIALLY a hospital stay. 

Because there are too many things that could happen inside… that would PREVENT you from walking back out ALIVE.

I’m talking about RAMPANT medical errors… infections (including superbugs)… and more. 

If something feels “off”… 

If you’ve got “mystery symptoms”… or even health concerns you’ve been IGNORING…

Get checked out… BEFORE it becomes an emergency. 

Ideally, find an integrative physician who’ll look at your WHOLE body…

And not just ZERO IN on their specialty. 

Because you could take the same set of symptoms… and a heart doc would diagnose a heart problem, a GI doc would tell you it’s your gut, and a psychiatrist would tell you you’re crazy!

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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