Here’s what it could mean if you FREEZE UP

November 9, 2023

FREEZING up? Here’s what it could mean if it happens to you

Senator Mitch McConnell raised alarms this past summer by FREEZING at the podium…


Here’s a guy who’s held public office for nearly 40 years… and has held court on the Senate floor…

Yet one moment he’s fine… and the next he’s at a loss for words, staring BLANKLY into space. 

It’s easy to jump to conclusions when you see something like that happen on live television… or you watch videos of it over and over again on the internet.

But the truth is, we don’t know WHY Senator McConnell just stood there… not answering the questions he’d been asked. 

And I don’t want to make any assumptions about his health. We know that the Senate Minority Leader suffered a concussion earlier this year… and sure, it could have something to do with that.

The doc who examined him afterwards said he’s fine, though… so for now, we have to take it at that. 

It would be completely understandable, however, if seeing something like this happening to a public figure might make you feel a little worried…

Or get you thinking about what it might mean if “the freeze” ever happened to you. 

I’ll share a few reasons that could be behind something like that in a moment…

But first, let me put one theory to rest. 

It’s not just because of “getting older.”

True, Senator McConnell is over 80 years old… but having “an episode” like that doesn’t necessarily come with the territory. 

If you ever freeze… and I pray you never do… DON’T take “old age” as an excuse. 

There’s a MYRIAD of other reasons why you could freeze like that – especially in front of a crowd, and when the spotlight is on you. 

The most obvious one is anxiety. 

You hear all the time about the “fight or flight” response to stress… but it turns out, there’s a THIRD option… and it’s to freeze!

That’s right – when under duress, your body might just opt to NOT decide between putting up your dukes or running away. It could simply SHUT DOWN… and DO NOTHING. 

You’ve STILL got your wits about you… but you might not be able to move… or speak. 

However, when this happens, it can LOOK like a number of other conditions – ones you should definitely get checked out for. 

I’m talking about seizures… which sometimes start in your senior years and could even develop into full-blown epilepsy later in life…

Or a stroke… 

Or even dementia. 

That’s why it’s important to get a full work-up by your doc… and make sure there’s no HIDDEN culprit behind those “frozen” moments. 

Listen, I wish Senator McConnell all the best… and I hope this is the last of his very public slip-ups. It can’t be easy for someone so prominent to have everyone and their brother speculating about his health. 

Maybe those two flubs are the ONLY two times it’s happened to the guy… but it’s possible it’s happening EVEN MORE often behind the scenes. 

So when it comes to yourself… or someone you love… look for patterns. 

DON’T become alarmed at a one-time “oopsie”…

But if it becomes more frequent… or if you have an increasingly difficult time shaking it off…

Get checked out right away.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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