Malaria treatment artesunate shown to help fight even drug-resistant cancer

October 5, 2023

Could a cancer hero be HIDING inside a malaria drug?

Friend, if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer… I’m not going to tell you how BRAVE you are.

I’m not going to say you’ve got to be strong for the “fight of your life.”

Cancer bites the big one… and all those words of encouragement don’t let patients with the disease do the one thing they absolutely DESERVE to do. 

Feel just a little bit sorry for themselves!

But once you’ve gotten over that… it’s time to take action. 

Because there are new ways of combating cancer every day…

And sometimes they’re hiding in plain sight. 

Take artesunate, for instance… 

Used to treat malaria abroad since 1977… and just approved for use in the U.S. in 2020. 

Although technically a drug, it’s derived from a natural plant compound called artemisinin… which comes from a type of wormwood used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and known as Artemisia annua

And it’s been SHOCKING the mainstream medical world with how it’s shown to help fight cancer in scientific studies. 

The first signs of its anti-cancer power came as early as 1993…

And now, 30 years later, we’re seeing REPEATED successes both in a lab dish (in vitro) and in test subjects (in vivo). 

In 2021, researchers from University of Kentucky Markey Cancer found that artesunate can KILL ovarian cancer cells in a lab dish. (The plant that artesunate comes from just happens to grow IN ABUNDANCE in the state of Kentucky, too.)

And in 2022, Chinese researchers found artesunate effective against a type of liver cancer that’s, according to Johns Hopkins, one of the most serious forms of “the big C” in adults.

Other studies have found some effectiveness against colon cancer… skin cancer… lung cancer… and even ADVANCED cervical cancer.

Artemisinin and artesunate appear to work against cancer in MULTIPLE ways… which is usually the KEY to success in beating back the disease.

Not only do they KILL cancer cells directly…

But they also help TRIGGER cancer cell “suicide” (a.k.a. apoptosis)… INHIBIT cancer cell growth and division… and KEEP cancer cells from spreading. 

They also CUT OFF tumors’ food supply… by SLAMMING THE BRAKES on angiogenesis (or the formation of new blood vessels).

And here’s what could make this naturally-derived compound the “holy grail” of cancer treatments…

It ZEROES IN on cancer cells with LASER-SHARP focus… while leaving healthy cells ALONE. 

And even better, it STILL WORKS even after cancer cells have learned to RESIST certain cancer drugs. 

In a 2022 in vitro study out of Germany, artesunate successfully CONQUERED cancer cells that the chemo drug Docetaxel couldn’t TOUCH.

In this country, clinical trials are currently underway… and those will take some time.

But this is a rare case in which I’m actually optimistic that the mainstream may sit up and take notice of this naturally-derived cancer fighter. 

After all, they’ve already seen its potential as a drug with malaria… and Big Pharma LOVES repurposing existing drugs. 

In this particular circumstance, that might be a very good thing.

But according to research, it would be a SPECIAL form of artesunate… one that’s been TURBOCHARGED with another compound, aminolaevulinic acid (ALA).

Together, the results could be 10X what they are with artesunate alone!

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