Melatonin linked to memory formation

November 13, 2023

‘Sleep trick’ could help you stay SHARP as a tack

You open the closet door… and for the life of you, you can’t remember what you were there for.

Then the phone rings… you answer it… and you know you SHOULD know the voice on the other end. 

But you’re drawing a BLANK.

You’ve been able to keep most of these “brain burps” to yourself… playing along until you figure things out…

And NO ONE has to know how “senior” those moments are actually getting. 

But you’re thinking about what happens in the long run… when those occasional lapses become more FREQUENT…

And you start to lose your grip on your precious memories.

Friend, memory decline is one of the SCARIEST things that could happen to us as we get older. 

But you DON’T have to sit back and wait for it to happen to you. 

Because there are ways to PROMOTE memory formation… and help SOLIDIFY the memories you’ve already made.

And they have NOTHING to do with those Alzheimer’s meds that Big Pharma has been trying to push on older folks. 

Now, before I tell you what this “memory secret” is… let’s start with some of the basics about staying sharp as a tack as you age.

There’s one daily habit that can make a HUGE difference – and that’s getting plenty of quality sleep. 

Unfortunately, seniors tend to struggle to FALL asleep… and STAY asleep…

And sleep tends to be LIGHTER and MORE FITFUL as the years pass.

Many folks turn to a natural alternative to help “reset” their sleep patterns… and help them RECLAIM the restful sleep they got when they were younger. 


I’m talking about melatonin – the “sleep hormone” produced by our brains to help regulate our circadian rhythms. 

Melatonin is what makes us feel sleepy when it’s dark out… 

But sometimes our bodies need a little extra “boost” of this natural substance in order to OVERCOME the way that artificial lighting and blue light from our TVs and digital devices can HIJACK our normal sleep-wake cycles.

Now, taking melatonin supplements could help you sleep better… and improved sleep could lead to better memory. 

But the benefits of melatonin don’t stop there. 

Because there’s evidence that melatonin supplementation could actually DIRECTLY benefit memory formation – in ADDITION to the sleep benefits it could provide. 

In a recent animal study out of Japan, researchers found that mice that consumed melatonin performed BETTER on memory tests than other groups of mice that got the SAME amount of sleep. 

Turns out, melatonin works in OTHER ways in your brain… not JUST in controlling your alertness.

It also influences certain proteins that are involved in memory consolidation. 

Now, we know that Alzheimer’s patients tend to have LOWER melatonin levels… especially at night… compared to folks without that form of dementia. 

And research shows that your melatonin supply could DIP… even BEFORE you show any signs of cognitive impairment. 

Thing is, there are a couple of tricks to using melatonin to reap the MOST benefits you can. 

First is to be patient… and commit to the LONG HAUL. Like many natural alternatives, melatonin isn’t a “quick fix.” It’s not like popping a pain pill when you’ve got a headache. 

In a 2021 study out of Korea, researchers saw memory benefits in Alzheimer’s patients who took this “memory booster” for more than 12 weeks. 

Second, don’t go overboard with melatonin. Once you’ve got the greenlight from your doc to try it… start out small… and work your way up. 

Not all folks respond to the sleep hormone in the same way… and you might need LESS of it than the next guy over. 

OVERDOING it on melatonin could make you feel groggy the next day… and that “haze” you feel won’t do much to SHARPEN your brain.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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