Sleep devices recalled for being DEADLY

September 20, 2023

DEADLY device for sleep apnea… RECALLED

Your head hits the pillow… and it’s the same ol’ story, time and again. 

You’re waking up so many times throughout the night… it doesn’t feel like you’ve gotten A WINK of sleep. 

And come sun-up, you feel even MORE EXHAUSTED than when you went to bed!

See a sleep doc, and they'll put you on drugs to KNOCK you out…

HOP YOU UP on pills to "promote wakefulness”…

Or, in the case of sleep apnea… TETHER you to a CPAP machine.

Now, some folks don’t mind STRAPPING a mask to their face… and nuzzling up next to something that’s WHIRRING all night long. 

Just goes to show how BADLY they were sleeping without it!

But some devices that sleep-deprived patients have come to DEPEND on have been RECALLED…

Because they might've been KILLING people! 

I know it sounds unbelievable… but it’s true.

See, some makers of these devices… which include CPAP, BiPAP, and ventilators… have tried to make them run a little quieter by adding some soundproofing foam. 

But in the case of devices manufactured by Philips Respironics… that modification turned out to be DEADLY.

TINY bits of foam have broken off… 

INVISIBLE particles have been off-gassed…

Making their way into the tubing system… and into some patients’ LUNGS.

Now, breathing in ANY foam could be bad news… but THIS material is considered carcinogenic. 

The FDA received reports of 385 associated deaths between April 2021 and March 2023…

But there are plenty MORE folks who’ve been INJURED by these devices… 

Complaining of chest pain, difficulty breathing, respiratory problems like asthma or pneumonia, and… you guessed it… CANCER.

Historically, a lot of incidences of harm or death go UNREPORTED to the authorities…

So my guess is that this problem is even MORE SEVERE than the numbers show. 

The feds have already categorized this device recall as “Class One” – which is as serious as they get. Think of it as the equivalent of our military’s DEFCON 1.

Mind you, it didn’t have to get this ALARMING.

The feds actually caught wind of this device defect OVER A DECADE AGO… but device execs pooh-poohed the complaints…

Until they could no longer IGNORE them.

So where we’re at now is a recall that’s affected more than 15 million devices… leaving sleep patients in the LURCH, with no replacement on its way anytime soon…

And no way to immediately fix what they’ve got.

If you struggle with apnea, you know how MADDENING it is to SUFFER through interrupted sleep…

And how it can DRAIN you of your energy. 

But this sleep disorder has also been linked to even GREATER health concerns…

Like PLUMMETING testosterone levels… SOARING heart risk… and DECLINING cognitive function. 

Not to mention stacking the deck against you when it comes to cardiovascular death… and death from ANY cause!

How can it be that with all of our modern advancements in medicine, we’re forcing patients to choose between DYING from apnea… or SUCCUMBING to the treatment?!

Friend, you CAN get restful sleep -- WITHOUT the risk that cancer-causing foam may pose.

First thing to do is figure out what’s CAUSING your apnea. Two of the biggest culprits behind disruptive snoring are:

  1. Certain medications
  2. Excess weight

For that first one, consider any drug that may RELAX your throat too much…

Like pain meds (including opioids)… muscle relaxants… benzos (a.k.a. anxiety meds)… and yes, sleeping pills. 

And for the second one, what you might not realize is the size of your neck is DIRECTLY related to your risk of apnea. Measuring your neck circumference is literally the FIRST thing a sleep doc will do when evaluating you for the disorder.

The best way to get a smaller neck? Shed a few extra pounds. 

I’m not talking about a STARVATION diet… or an UNFORGIVING meal plan. Because even a MINOR amount of weight loss could make a MAJOR difference.

For better health,

Dr. Marc Micozzi

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