Statins promoted as secondary stroke prevention

November 8, 2023

SPOOKED by secondary stroke risk? Don’t buy into the statins sell

Friend, if you’ve already had a stroke once… you know the routine. 

They start THROWING meds at you… and put the FEAR OF GOD into you about having another stroke!

I’m talking about daily baby aspirins… BP meds… and even diabetes meds. 

Here’s another prescription they want you to fill…


Now, the theory is that cholesterol can build up inside the walls of your arteries… making them narrow and stiff… 

Which can lead to a stroke. 

But that only happens when excess “bad” cholesterol (a.k.a. LDL) gets DAMAGED, or oxidized. 

And just because your LDL numbers may be “high” according to your doc, that DOESN’T mean that they’re going to lead to a stroke… or that you need to bring them down by taking cholesterol-lowering drugs. 

So I was shaking my head when I read about the latest study that suggests that stroke patients… those who’ve already had the “bleeding” type, called intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)… should consider taking statins. 

Why? To keep a subsequent stroke… likely the “blockage” or “ischemic” kind… at bay, they say.

Now, if you’ve already survived an ICH, you’ve already stared down death. 

It’s understandable that you’d want to SLAM THE BRAKES on another stroke event. 

But here’s the kicker…

Prior studies have shown that taking statins after one hemorrhagic stroke could increase your risk for another ICH!

That link wasn’t found in this latest study… but that doesn’t mean the risk is ZERO. This particular team of researchers just didn’t find it this time around. 

And of course, there are lots of folks out there in the mainstream who wouldn’t WANT researchers to uncover a risk like that. 

Not when they’ve got statins to sell to more and more customers… oh, I mean patients. 

Friend, if you’re in the crosshairs for a first-time stroke… or a secondary stroke… don’t get me wrong. It’s important to keep your blood pressure in check… and your cholesterol levels balanced. 

But you have plenty of options to try before buying into Big Pharma’s big sell…

Especially when statins have been linked to HORRIFYING risks like cognitive decline… muscle damage… diabetes… and potentially deadly staph infections.

In my experience, the BEST way to balance out cholesterol levels is by maintaining a healthy weight, plain and simple. 


That’ll help your blood pressure stay on track, too. 

A final word of advice about SLASHING your stroke risk…

And this one may come as a SHOCKER. 

There’s a so-called “high cholesterol” food that could make your risk of ANY type of stroke take a NOSEDIVE…

And it could keep you out of an early grave, too. 

It’s eggs!

Forget an apple a day – and try an egg a day.

I also like to recommend getting plenty of vitamin D and magnesium… both of which you can find in a nice, juicy steak. 

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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