Steroid inhalers for COPD linked to increased fracture risk

October 22, 2023

COPD inhalers could SHATTER your bones

You’re STRUGGLING to breathe… GASPING for air…

And it feels like somebody is SITTING on your chest. 

You try to CLEAR your airways by coughing… but there’s only ONE THING that seems to help.

So, you reach for your inhaler.

But before you pump… and take a big breath in…

There’s a TERRIFYING risk you need to know about. 

Because depending on WHICH kind of medicine is inside your inhaler…

You could be in the crosshairs for a DISABLING bone break…

Especially if you’re over 65.

Now, a known complication of COPD is osteoporosis…

But now we’re finding out how mainstream meds could be making that WORSE!

In a recent meta-analysis, Chinese researchers discovered that COPD patients who were treated with inhaled corticosteroids were MORE likely to experience a bone fracture.

And not just a little. 

I’m talking a 19% increased fracture risk!

Now, this latest review assembled findings from 44 studies… all randomized clinical trials… so the correlation between the drug and brittle bones doesn’t seem to me to be a one-off aberration or a mistake. 

And they compared the results of inhaling glucocorticoids versus other types of inhalers… and versus other types of medications the COPD patients were taking, since inhalers are conventionally part of combination therapy. 

And that risk they found was particularly prominent with the inhaled drug called budesonide… especially when paired in a metered-dose inhaler with a long-acting bronchodilator, like formoterol.

Take note: Budesonide is almost NEVER given all by itself to COPD patients (although occasionally to those with asthma).

And because it’s not a rescue inhaler – a.k.a. it can’t stop the coughing once it’s already started – it’s not a short-term solution. 

You’ve got to take regular puffs off of it in order for it to work to prevent or ease future symptoms. 

And if you’ve got respiratory issues as serious as COPD… that could mean a life sentence of taking hits off of the stuff…

TWICE a day… EVERY day… for the REST of your life.

In the eyes of Big Pharma, that makes you a LIFELONG CUSTOMER!

Now, steroids in general have ALREADY been associated with bone loss and broken bones. So, it makes sense that inhaled steroids wouldn’t be any different. 

What really gets me, though, is how these inhalers could KICK you while you’re already DOWN…

Because some of the most COMMON side effects of using them are bronchitis and upper respiratory infections!

Even worse, your mouth could get INFECTED by a FUNGUS as a result of using one of these – thanks to how corticosteroids like budesonide DAMPEN your body’s natural immune defenses. 

Listen, the absolute BEST-CASE scenario would be to not develop COPD at all. If you don’t have it yet… and you’re STILL smoking… do everything it takes to KICK the habit. 

Easier said than done, I know. 

But taking that one step could help you DODGE a bullet… and keep your bones from becoming thin and brittle… and SHATTERING into a million pieces.

If you’ve already got COPD, remember that while steroids may relieve some SYMPTOMS of the disease… remember they won’t do A THING to address the underlying cause. 

An integrative doc can help you with that.

Now, if you’ve ALREADY been puffing away at one of these inhalers… it’s absolutely CRUCIAL that you pay attention to your bone health. 

But that DOESN’T mean taking one of Big Pharma’s “bone drugs”… or even supplementing with calcium, whose RISKS don’t necessarily outweigh the BENEFITS. (Stick to whole food sources for the latter.)

Instead, make sure you’re supplementing with these vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamin D, which helps your body use the calcium from the food you eat
  • vitamin C, which helps trigger bone growth and beat back bone loss
  • vitamin E (including mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols)
  • boron
  • magnesium citrate

And finally, I know it sounds like the OPPOSITE of what you should do… but make sure you’re getting plenty of activity in. I truly support the notion of exercising in order to build stronger bones. 

And building up some muscle will help keep you steady on your feet… and keep your balance in check… to keep falls at bay.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc Micozzi M.D., Ph.D.

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