Study: Testosterone replacement therapy doesn’t increase serious heart risk

September 28, 2023

Don't let your doc SCARE YOU OFF of this man-affirming treatment

Guys, it’s hard to admit it when you’ve lost your manhood. 

You can feel your strength and energy SLIPPING AWAY…

And you just can’t BEAR the thought of your wife comforting you with those dreaded words…

“It’s OK, it happens to everybody.”

Friend, you were once a DYNAMO…

But as you’ve gotten a little older… doing the things that made you feel like a man didn’t come so easily anymore. 

And at some point, you just stopped trying. 

Don’t worry – there’s a common culprit behind LOTS of older guys’ dwindling vitality.

It’s low testosterone. 

Hormone levels naturally fluctuate with age… and our endocrine systems can fall off balance. 

Most guys lose 1 to 2% of their testosterone supply EVERY YEAR as they age.

It’s so common, in fact… it’s been nicknamed “man-opause.”

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to address low T… and get your masculinity back on track. 

It’s hormone replacement therapy, or HRT for short. 

And it can specifically REPLENISH the supply of testosterone you may be missing out on… without having to CHOKE down a pill or get JABBED by a needle. (It’s often delivered as a topical gel.)

Problem is, mainstream docs have been WARNING AGAINST it for years!

They said it could put you in the crosshairs for heart attacks… strokes… or other cardiovascular issues…

Including heart-related deaths.

But now, the largest study of its kind appears to REFUTE those claims… saying that replacing testosterone did NOT increase participants’ heart risk…

Even if they were ALREADY at high risk for heart disease… or had ALREADY been diagnosed with it!

Even better, this latest research shows a significant improvement in bedroom performance among those participants who received the T therapy.

The study’s author is a heart doc at the Cleveland Clinic… and he says this finally puts the prior worries surrounding testosterone replacement TO REST.

I’m inclined to trust what this guy has to say. 

Because we’ve seen time and again how older guys whose T levels have taken a NOSEDIVE find a way to RECLAIM their vim and vigor through HRT. 

Now, the key is getting to the bottom of your issues… and making sure it’s a hormone imbalance that’s actually behind them. 

Sorry to break it to you… but testosterone is NOT a cure-all for whatever ails you. 

If your T levels AREN’T low… testosterone therapy ISN’T going to turbo-charge your manliness. More isn’t more here… and you don’t want to go OVERBOARD. 

Now, as good as this latest news may seem… it does come with a catch. 

The study I just mentioned was BANKROLLED by a bunch of Big Pharma companies… and the testosterone they’re usually SHILLING is synthetic. 

I’d rather see guys try out bioidentical testosterone… which is closer to the sex hormone your body naturally produces.  

If you decide to try it out yourself, just make sure whichever version you get has been VETTED and gone through some kind of quality control process. That means no cheap T capsules at your local truck stop or bargain bin. 

And do it under the guidance of a doc who knows what he’s doing… who can keep an eye on your progress and test your levels regularly…

And who isn’t necessarily SHAKING in his boots every time the mainstream gets nervous about a natural treatment.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc Micozzi M.D., Ph.D.

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