Sunscreens DON’T protect you from the sun… and could cause THESE harms

November 6, 2023

Why your sunscreen DOESN’T work… and may do more HARM than good

Friend, here’s something you should read RIGHT AWAY…

BEFORE you hit the links… take a LONG drive on a sunny day… or ski the slopes this winter. 

It’s about how to protect your skin from excess UV exposure…

And why you may need to RETHINK your sun protection routine… and BREAK some lifelong habits!

Because what’s been DRILLED into your head for decades now might do ZILCH when it comes to keeping skin cancer at bay. 

I’m talking about sunscreen. 

I’m sure you’ve heard the slogans… and the propaganda.

Don’t be shy… REAPPLY! they say.

But the truth is, most of the sunscreens you can find in this country are GARBAGE.

That’s because either they don’t do enough to SHIELD you… like offering misleading SPF ratings, which don’t indicate protection from UVA rays in addition to UVB. 

Or, even worse -- they actually could do more HARM than good!

That’s because “made in the USA” sunscreens use chemical UV filters as their active ingredients…

And some of those chemicals don’t make the grade when it comes to safety. 

According to the non-profit Environmental Working Group, some U.S. sunscreens are downright TOXIC… 

With ingredients that could be ABSORBED through the surface of your skin… and end up running RAMPANT through your bloodstream.

Some sunscreen ingredients have been shown to IRRITATE skin… DISRUPT hormone balance… and put you in the crosshairs for cancer (like benzene, found in “spray” formulas that could be inhaled).

And those are just the ACTIVE ingredients!

What about the INACTIVE ingredients? 

We just don’t know.

Sunscreen makers aren’t required to disclose the fillers hiding in their products… so we really have NO IDEA what harm they could do. 

Now, if the mainstream had its way… your entire body would be constantly SLATHERED in sunscreen from sun-up to sundown. But problem is, that literally BLOCKS your body’s ability from converting sunshine into vitamin D. 

And keeping up your levels of the “sunshine vitamin” is CRUCIAL to maintaining good health. 

Instead of creating that barrier directly on your skin… I say spend 15 minutes a day in direct sunlight… and THEN cover up with a wide-brimmed hat and long pants and sleeves. 

Or limit the time you spend in DIRECT sunlight… instead simply sitting in the shade. 

But if you’re NOT ready to give up on sunscreen just yet… keep in mind that the FDA has only cleared two sunscreen ingredients as being entirely safe.

I’m talking about zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, found in mineral sunscreens. 

Both of those actually offer a broad-spectrum buffer against both UVA and B rays… so they’ve shown to be effective, too.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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