WHO sets its sights on traditional medicine practices

November 25, 2023

Could WHO be MESSING with traditional medicine… or really EMBRACING it?

Friend, when you get the sniffles… 

Or the aches and pains of worn-out joints start to take their toll on you…

What’s the FIRST thing you turn to?

If you’re like most Americans… it’s a pill. 

I’m talking about OTC cold medicine… or painkillers… or whatever else is in the bottles and boxes that FILL our medicine cabinets. 

Believe it or not, that’s not the case in other parts of the world. 

In fact, for 80% of folks around the globe… their go-to has NOTHING to do with what we consider mainstream medicine. 

Instead, they rely on TRADITIONAL practices…

Like herbs… acupuncture… massage… and other natural alternatives. 

Problem is, those elements of folk medicine have been DISMISSED in this country as wives’ tales… quackery… or some kind of voodoo. 

Mainstream doc will even tell you that taking supplements could be a WASTE OF TIME in the best-case scenario… and DANGEROUS in the worst case. 

But anybody who’s gotten FED UP with what the U.S. mainstream has to offer… and has finally found RELIEF in non-drug approaches… will tell you a very different story. 

So, the latest news coming out of the World Health Organization regarding how it’s handing traditional medicine practices moving forward sounds like it could be a good thing. 

On the SURFACE, anyway. 

The WHO recently hosted its first-ever Traditional Medicine Global Summit—appropriately, in India, home of the ancient medicinal practice of Ayurveda, among others. 

It’s where the agency established the Global Centre for Traditional Medicine back in 2022…

And my HOPE is that these efforts will help BROADEN access to traditional medicine practices. 

But I’m a skeptic… and I can’t help but wonder if this is merely a POWER GRAB…

One that could DESTROY these time-tested approaches in the process?

Because they SAY they want to ADVANCE “evidence-based traditional, complementary and integrative medicine”…


But does that mean they want to CONTROL it… REGULATE it… and MONETIZE it so much…

It’ll end up BEYOND all recognition?

I mean, they’re talking about data mining… using artificial intelligence (a.k.a. “AI”)…

And personally, I think computers are a bit part of the PROBLEM in modern-day medicine!

Truth is, people manipulate statistics to tell any story they WANT to tell…

And their means of getting “proof” of the safety of herbal medicine, for instance, may be just their way of proving how UNSAFE it is…

Which is what they’ve been saying all along. 

Of course, there’s too much REAL-LIFE evidence showing just the opposite…

That natural cures aren’t just NON-TOXIC… 

But they also WORK!

And some of them have centuries… if not millennia… of traditional use backing them up. 

To me, this all comes down to the fact that the mainstream can’t patent certain natural ingredients the way they can their synthetic drugs…

And if 80% of the world’s population is using something OTHER than what THEY’VE invented… and what THEY can make money on…

Then that hurts their bank accounts. 

And maybe they’re just not going to stand for it anymore.

Bottom line: This REEKS of the mainstream keeping their enemies closer. 

The more the WHO can learn about what’s going on behind the scenes with traditional medicine… the more they can know what the mainstream is up against. 

I hope I’m wrong. 

I’d LOVE for them to prove me wrong. 

I’ll be keeping my eye on this one for sure.


In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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