Longevity ENHANCED by Rapamycin

October 8, 2023

Life expectancy in the U.S. is falling — but THIS could help

Friend, you may keep track of the “Best By” date on your milk or egg cartons…

But have you thought about your OWN “expiration date”?

If you’re a bit long in the tooth… it could be CLOSER than you may think.

U.S. life expectancy has been taking a NOSEDIVE in recent years…

With some death rates just as bad now as they were in the 1940s.

How could this be… with all the so-called “advancements” made in modern medicine…

Like vaccines… and drugs. (My gosh, the DRUGS!)

Clearly, something is VERY wrong… when we’re testing patients up the wazoo… diagnosing them at breakneck speed… 

And we can’t get them to live any longer!

The CDC is blaming the shorter lifespans of Americans on the deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic…

But fact is, there’s MORE going on here.

Because people are ALSO landing in an early grave from heart disease and stroke… liver issues… and even unintentional drug overdoses (mostly opioids).

That last one really gets my goat… because of how PREVENTABLE it is.

But even other health concerns that could lead to premature death aren’t UNAVOIDABLE. 

Friend, your fate has not been SEALED. And it’s never too late to take some action to BOOST your longevity.

There are natural solutions… ones your mainstream doc would NEVER tell you about… 

That may actually be able to EXTEND lifespan… and help you stay HEALTHIER in the long run. 

Here's one I guarantee your mainstream doc would NEVER mention to you. 

It’s called rapamycin – and it comes from a soil-based beneficial strain of bacteria called Streptomyces hygroscopicus, found on Easter Island in the 1960s.

Now, there’s no ONE ingredient that’s been proven as a “fountain of youth.” After all, we all age differently… and a MULTITUDE of factors go into how gracefully we approach our “golden years.”

But rapamycin comes close… 

As it helps MAXIMIZE your body’s ability to PRESERVE the cells that are working well... and keeping you YOUNG…

And to “take out the trash,” so to speak… by DITCHING damaged or defective cells that could be weighing you down…

Holding you back…

And putting you on an ACCELERATED path to the end.

It’s been shown to LENGTHEN lives of animal subjects in in vivo studies… which, in human time, could mean up to SEVEN more years beyond what’s normally expected.

And there are some early signs that it might be able to help STAVE OFF cognitive decline.

There is, however, a catch…

You may find it challenging to get your hands on rapamycin… as the FDA has approved it as a drug to treat pancreatic cancer…

And to prevent transplant patients’ immune systems from rejecting new organs.

Although it comes from a natural source, it’s not available as a supplement in this country. And most docs aren’t on board to start prescribing it to their older patients looking to tackle aging. 

The good news is that the mechanism behind how rapamycin works… that is, INHIBITING an overactive protein called mTOR… isn’t completely UNIQUE to this compound.

You can get similar… if not the SAME… results by TWEAKING your diet. 

RESTRICTING your calorie intake… adopting the ketogenic style of eating… and intermittent fasting are all ways of KICKSTARTING those same anti-aging processes in your body. 

So is exercise. 

If you’re interested in supplements that might do the trick in the same way, keep an eye out for ingredients like…

  • pterostilbene
  • resveratrol
  • medicinal mushrooms, like reishi, chaga, cordyceps, and more.

Look for high-quality formulas that combine several of these ingredients together… as they can often AMPLIFY one another for a GREATER effect.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc Micozzi M.D., Ph.D.

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